Timed Text Specifications (applies to both Closed Captions & Subtitles)
- All timed text MUST be Pop-on or Pop-up
- Minimum duration: 10 frames per text event
- Maximum duration: 10 seconds per text event (except for song lyrics or on-screen text, which may exceed 10 seconds)
- Timed text must not remain on screen during times of silence.
- An outpoint must be used to remove the timed text from the screen during silence or extended pauses.
Frame Gaps:
- 2 frames minimum (regardless of frame rate)
Positional Data:
- All timed text should be center justified / center positioned and placed at bottom of the screen unless covering text or a lower third graphic in which they should be at the top of the screen.
Reading Speed:
- Adult programs: 400 words per minute
- Children’s programs: 160 words per minute.
- Text should be timed to the audio or within 2-3 frames of the audio. If more on-screen time is needed for better reading speed, the out-time can be extended up to 10 or 12 frames past the timecode at which the audio ends.
- Text should be provided without any text effects including bolding, italicizing and underlining.
Speaker ID and Sound Effect:
- Use brackets [ ] to enclose speaker IDs or sound effects.
- Only use speaker IDs or sound effects when they cannot be visually identified.
- Use a generic ID to indicate and describe ambient music (e.g., rock music playing over a stereo). Sound effects should be plot pertinent.
- If video is a concert, lyrics must be present on screen when sung, surrounded by the ♪
Closed Caption Definition: Grammar: File Formats: Frame Rate: Character Limit: Line Rules: Naming: BillyJoel_MovingOut_clean_G00123456789_1080p_2398_stereo.mov
Subtitle Definition: Grammar: File Formats: Frame Rate: Character Limit: Line Rules: Naming: BillyJoel_MovingOut_clean_G00123456789_1080p_2398_stereo_Spanish.mov