Packaging Graphics


Packaging Graphics are the design files used to create the physical packaging for various products. These
bundles are archived in AOMA so that approved users to the assigned security groups can access artwork to send
to manufacturing plants/printing presses, repurpose the packaging for local releases, and/or obtain source files for
re-issues, revisions, and any future changes.

Collect For Output (CFO) Requirements

  • Documents Directory: The InDesign or Quark files used for the manufacturing of the package
  • Fonts Directory: Fonts used in all files are required in this folder
  • Images Directory: Contains all images that are linked to the InDesign or Quark files (i.e. TIFF, EPS, BITMAP) – they are required to be flattened files and must be saved without layers
  • Layered Images Directory (optional): Layered Photoshop or Illustrator files that contain color correction and re-touching information used to create the final flattened images

Packaging Graphics
Download the Quicksheet above for further details on Packaging Graphics specs.